#GuildChat for 6/12/15: The Role of Reflection in Learning

Our next #GuildChat takes place Friday, June 12th at 11am PT / 2pm ET. Our topic for this week’s chat is The Role of Reflection in Learning.

In organizations there seems to be an increasing push for more, for faster, for better. It’s an age old story, produce or bust. Organizational learning has to heed the call. Today larger course and programs are either being whittled down or replaced with shorter micro-learning opportunities. The trend appears to be a shift to more workflow learning and performance support. 2015-01-09_11-14-16 Charles Jennings once stated that real learning is Experience, Practice, Conversation, and Reflection. As formal learning tighten’s its belt and looks to trim the fat so to speak, what in the learning equation makes the cut? what gets pushed aside?  It would appear today that experiential learning, simulations, and social media are helping to meet the needs of the first three but where is the time and space for reflection?

In this week’s #GuildChat we’ll look closer at the role of reflection in learning. Why is reflection important and what has it historically looked like? In today’s fast changing world of information, how and where do we find time to fit it this valuable element of learning in?

These weeks questions:

Q1) How do you reflect upon your learning? #GuildChat

Q2) What is the value of reflecting on your own? What is the value of reflecting with others? #GuildChat

Q3) Does reflection require more than time? If so, what else is needed? #GuildChat

Q4) How can we better ensure opportunity for reflection for ourselves and others? #GuildChat

Q5) What are the risks if we do not reflect upon our learning? #GuildChat

Q6) How has reflection helped or altered your thinking? #GuildChat

Q7) How soon after you have learned something new do you reflect upon it? What’s the value in delaying? #GuildChat

Chat Transcript

NOTE: Tweets are listed in the order they were posted and are shown in Eastern Time. To visit the actual posting for a particular tweet, click the associated user name for the posting.

2:01 PM eLearningGuild Welcome to #GuildChat, brought to you by @eLearningGuild. Today we’re talking about the Role of Reflection in Learning. #elGuild
2:01 PM eLearningGuild Today’s chat is scheduled to last one hour. We’ll post questions using #GuildChat; as a reminder be sure to use the hashtag in your tweets.
2:01 PM JD_Dillon RT @eLearningGuild: Welcome to #GuildChat, brought to you by @eLearningGuild. Today we’re talking about the Role of Reflection in Learning.…
2:02 PM eLearningGuild Please take a moment to introduce yourself and share your work and interests. The first question will be posed in just 2 minutes. #GuildChat
2:03 PM RaftLearning Gail Radecki from Milwaukee. Creator/curator of online content for a national med assoc. Passionate about elearning! #GuildChat
2:03 PM opurt11 Chad Lowry, Customer Education Manager, Chicago. Working in the Financial Services industry, interested in working smarter. #guildchat
2:04 PM eLearningGuild Q1) How do you reflect upon your learning? #GuildChat
2:04 PM JD_Dillon JD in Orlando, FL – dropping in for part of #GuildChat, focused on helping people share what they know.  https://t.co/4CmFWzM4O1
2:04 PM chris_benz Chris Benz, Director of Online Events for the Guild. Happy Friday, everyone. #guildchat
2:04 PM Minreeva Paul T from Manila, PH. Lifelong learner. ID and eLD. #guildchat
2:05 PM willconstantine Will Constantine, Creator of LearnHaus http://t.co/ODAbM5i6rW President of @NNJASTD #GuildChat #mLearnCon
2:05 PM caitsteinbach Caitlin Steinbach tuning in from Annapolis, MD! Instructional Designer with a passion for working smarter! #GuildChat
2:05 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Q1) How do you reflect upon your learning? #GuildChat
2:05 PM flipchartguy Brian from Seattle. Joining from Austin. For some reason mLearning is on my mind today. #guildchat
2:05 PM JD_Dillon A1) Set aside time to write – blog, tweet, journal #GuildChat  https://t.co/MdDdrwgvOI
2:06 PM flipchartguy A1) A lot of my reflection in learning comes out in my blog posts (2x per week) #guildchat
2:06 PM RaftLearning A1) Take notes I can refer back to. Sketch my thoughts. Share with others. Talk to myself (!) to think things through. #GuildChat
2:06 PM willconstantine Q1) I like to talk about it with other people because then I get a different perspective on it. #GuildChat
2:07 PM britz RT @eLearningGuild: Q1) How do you reflect upon your learning? #GuildChat
2:07 PM LearnovateSA RT @eLearningGuild: Welcome to #GuildChat, brought to you by @eLearningGuild. Today we’re talking about the Role of Reflection in Learning.…
2:07 PM LearnovateSA RT @eLearningGuild: #GuildChat starts in just 5 MINUTES. Join us for a chat on the Role of Reflection in Learning. #elguild
2:07 PM opurt11 Q1) I never think I really know something until I’ve slept on it and can recall or practice it the next day. #guildchat
2:07 PM LnDDave RT @eLearningGuild: Q1) How do you reflect upon your learning? #GuildChat
2:07 PM caitsteinbach A1) Journal and jot things down, bounce ideas off others to explore deeper #GuildChat
2:07 PM willconstantine Q1) I try to share it on my blog but I also share what I have learned and will create solutions from the learning #GuildChat
2:07 PM britz RT @JD_Dillon: A1) Set aside time to write – blog, tweet, journal #GuildChat  https://t.co/R1RLuYsV01 /blogging is my external processing
2:07 PM opurt11 @JD_Dillon Good plan. I should do more of that.  #guildchat
2:08 PM heikan2003 A1) I sketchmap; a combination of mind mapping and sketchnoting #guildchat
2:08 PM flipchartguy Talking with others is HUGE (I like to attend webinars with others so to reflect/discuss in the moment) #guildchat https://t.co/vz2sXJsjyT
2:08 PM LnDDave Hey #GuildChat. Sitting next to @britz on our way to the airport, reflecting on #mlearncon. Hope everyone is well.
2:08 PM Minreeva A1) My goal at every EOD is to learn at least three new things. Before I sleep, I review and pinpoint those 3 things. #guildchat
2:09 PM willconstantine Q1) You also need time to reflect on what you have reflected on i.e. read those journals and re-read or even update blog posts #GuildChat
2:09 PM Axonify If you’re interested in the role of reflection in learning, check out #guildchat by @eLearningGuild!
2:09 PM britz @willconstantine curious- how do you identify those you will and won’t talk with about your new thoughts? #guildchat
2:09 PM JD_Dillon A1) Work out LOUD!!! #guildchat #wol  https://t.co/MdDdrwgvOI
2:09 PM JD_Dillon A1) Take plenty of notes throughout the day AND come back to them every so often to explore your growth #GuildChat  https://t.co/MdDdrwgvOI
2:10 PM LorettaDonovan A1. Doodle mind maps or comparison charts of key points or experiences.  #GuildChat
2:10 PM LnDDave A1) I like to write to reflect. The plane rides back from conferences are full of thought.  #GuildChat
2:10 PM LorettaDonovan RT @willconstantine: Q1) You also need time to reflect on what you have reflected on i.e. read those journals and re-read or even update bl…
2:11 PM heikan2003 A1) I also try to connect it to other things, do more research, try things out. #Guildchat
2:11 PM eLearningGuild Q2) What is the value of reflecting on your own? What is the value of reflecting with others? #GuildChat
2:11 PM willconstantine @britz depends on if they’re interested in what I am talking about otherwise I could talk to the wall and get the same result ;-) #GuildChat
2:11 PM britz RT @LorettaDonovan: A1. Doodle mind maps or comparison charts of key points or experiences. #GuildChat
2:11 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Q2) What is the value of reflecting on your own? What is the value of reflecting with others? #GuildChat
2:11 PM LnDDave RT @eLearningGuild: Q2) What is the value of reflecting on your own? What is the value of reflecting with others? #GuildChat
2:11 PM heikan2003 RT @eLearningGuild: Q2) What is the value of reflecting on your own? What is the value of reflecting with others? #GuildChat
2:12 PM britz RT @eLearningGuild: Q2) What is the value of reflecting on your own? What is the value of reflecting with others? #GuildChat
2:12 PM heikan2003 A2) Get different takes on the same info is valuable. Expands the learning. #GuildChat
2:12 PM willconstantine Q1) You get to understand it the way you see it alone. With others you have impacting opinions/perspectives too. #GuildChat
2:12 PM JD_Dillon A2) Reflection can change context, help you apply you own experience/perspective in learning #guildchat  https://t.co/3GAxCnpk9C
2:12 PM opurt11 Q2) Value of reflecting with others is much higher than solo. Schools are useful for that reason, if no other.  #guildchat
2:13 PM RaftLearning A2) Reflecting on my own as it pertains to my specific job (I’m a 1-and-only). Sharing with others spreads info thruout team. #GuildChat
2:13 PM LnDDave A2) reflecting on my own gives me a chance to put learning into my context. Adding others allows me to expand the scope.  #GuildChat
2:13 PM JD_Dillon A2) Reflecting through shared discussion adds dimension and perspective – unique voices and experience #guildchat  https://t.co/3GAxCnpk9C
2:13 PM hkbent a2) On your own=context + application/with others=new context & ideas #GuildChat
2:13 PM hkbent a2) On your own=context + application/with others=new context & ideas #GuildChat
2:14 PM LnDDave RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Reflection can change context, help you apply you own experience/perspective in learning #guildchat  https://t.co/3GAxCn…
2:14 PM MelMilloway Ah, missing #GuildChat, have fun all. I’ve got work to do!
2:14 PM RaftLearning A2) Good to get others’ perspectives, but if they don’t do same kind of job things might not pertain/be interesting to them. #GuildChat
2:14 PM JD_Dillon A2) Reflecting with others may mitigate personal bias that potentially inhibits growth #GuildChat
2:14 PM flipchartguy @LnDDave Yes, and a lot of times my thoughts during those plane rides are: does the person in front REALLY need to recline so far #GuildChat
2:14 PM LorettaDonovan A2 In your own u learn by revising your previous beliefs. W/ others u reframe based on multiple perspectives #GuildChat
2:14 PM opurt11 @MelMilloway Hope your presentation went well! #guildchat
2:14 PM CaveoLearning The 5 Key Elements to Leveraging Social #Learning http://t.co/ZTA44oGOUP #clo #training #elearning #atd #guildchat
2:15 PM caitsteinbach A2) On own is limited to your own context. Bringing it outward provides perspective! Pros for both! #GuildChat https://t.co/uCEUc62VPq
2:15 PM LorettaDonovan RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Reflecting with others may mitigate personal bias that potentially inhibits growth #GuildChat
2:16 PM JD_Dillon A2) We can only go so far by ourselves … #GuildChat
2:16 PM LnDDave RT @JD_Dillon: A2) Reflecting with others may mitigate personal bias that potentially inhibits growth #GuildChat
2:16 PM heikan2003 @flipchartguy That is uncomfortable but better than, “did they think of bathing?” #guildchat
2:16 PM RaftLearning @JD_Dillon That’s why these chats are so VALUABLE. #GuildChat
2:16 PM caitsteinbach It takes a village #GuildChat https://t.co/NjyIpOVkCo
2:16 PM britz A2. Reflecting alone sometimes helps me set up for reflecting with others. Bridging new knowledge to previous understanding first #GuildChat
2:16 PM heikan2003 A2) I need the personal reflection time to get things straight before I discuss with others. #GuildChat
2:17 PM JD_Dillon RT @britz: A2. Reflecting alone sometimes helps me set up for reflecting with others. Bridging new knowledge to previous understanding firs…
2:18 PM eLearningGuild Q3) Does reflection require more than time? If so, what else is needed? #GuildChat
2:18 PM PreetiJasnani @LnDDave Agree with @LnDDave on A2. It’s about my perspective vs others. #GuildChat
2:18 PM LearnovateSA RT @eLearningGuild: Today’s chat is scheduled to last one hour. We’ll post questions using #GuildChat; as a reminder be sure to use the has…
2:18 PM JD_Dillon A2) Sometimes a bit of a cycle: self – group – self – group … Continuous growth #GuildChat
2:19 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Q3) Does reflection require more than time? If so, what else is needed? #GuildChat
2:19 PM SimonBlairTrain A3: I’m thinking a fair dose of introspection is required. #Guildchat
2:19 PM opurt11 Q3) Rest is helpful. Access to a good curation tool for comparing old & new info is also good. #guildchat
2:19 PM JD_Dillon A3) Capacity of thought, freedom from distraction, mechanisms that work for you personally #GuildChat  https://t.co/HLJFGvDoA1
2:20 PM caitsteinbach RT @SimonBlairTrain: A3: I’m thinking a fair dose of introspection is required. #Guildchat
2:20 PM willconstantine Q3) I think you need to have the right mindset for it. You have to be ready to reflect and calm your thoughts. #GuildChat
2:20 PM LorettaDonovan A3 reflection also needs deep questions that create dissonance.  #GuildChat
2:20 PM heikan2003 A3) Reflection for me requires markers or colored pencils & and sketchbook #GuildChat
2:20 PM JD_Dillon A3) Physical space can be an important consideration – limit distraction and enable focus #GuildChat  https://t.co/HLJFGvDoA1
2:21 PM LorettaDonovan RT @heikan2003: A3) Reflection for me requires markers or colored pencils & and sketchbook #GuildChat
2:21 PM LorettaDonovan RT @JD_Dillon: A3) Physical space can be an important consideration – limit distraction and enable focus #GuildChat  https://t.co/HLJFGvDoA1
2:21 PM flipchartguy A3) Reflection requires the reflector to think about context -how does what I learned apply to me, my situation, my work, my life #guildchat
2:21 PM RaftLearning A3) Physical space, mental readiness…#GuildChat
2:21 PM RaftLearning #GuildChat
2:22 PM hkbent q3) Tools for immersion in the reflection process – unique to individual learners #GuildChat
2:23 PM SimonBlairTrain @JD_Dillon Yes! Having the right physical space can help you get into the right mental “space”. #Guildchat
2:24 PM flipchartguy A3) Sometimes reflection needs a “mirror” (often someone else… Sometimes someone with no connection to the topic at hand) #guildchat
2:24 PM LnDDave RT @eLearningGuild: Q3) Does reflection require more than time? If so, what else is needed? #GuildChat
2:24 PM LorettaDonovan RT @flipchartguy: A3) Sometimes reflection needs a “mirror” (often someone else… Sometimes someone with no connection to the topic at han…
2:25 PM SimonBlairTrain @flipchartguy So that you can clarify your thoughts by articulating them to someone else? I like that idea! #Guildchat
2:25 PM eLearningGuild Q4) How can we better ensure opportunity for reflection for ourselves and others? #GuildChat
2:25 PM RaftLearning @flipchartguy Different perspective/approach to the info. #GuildChat
2:25 PM willconstantine Q3) You have  to remove any barriers to reflection. Distractions, noises, etc. #GuildChat
2:26 PM PreetiJasnani @eLearningGuild A3: reflection often requires a trigger and that trigger may not be directly related to the reflection. #GuildChat
2:26 PM LnDDave A3) True reflection requires self awareness and the ability to critique oneself.  #GuildChat
2:26 PM opurt11 Q4) Put an appointment on your calendar; don’t let other block out that time. Make it a recurring appointment, too.  #guildchat
2:26 PM LorettaDonovan RT @eLearningGuild: Q4) How can we better ensure opportunity for reflection for ourselves and others? #GuildChat
2:26 PM RaftLearning A4) Try to build time into daily schedule. Put it on the calendar as a meeting. Don’t schedule other things at those times. #GuildChat
2:26 PM opurt11 Have to run, but I’ve enjoyed the ideas thus far! #guildchat
2:26 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Q4) How can we better ensure opportunity for reflection for ourselves and others? #GuildChat
2:26 PM JD_Dillon A4) Build time into schedules. Make it part of formal training. Foster open dialogue away from the work. #Guildchat  https://t.co/ea7yuOm3h1
2:26 PM flipchartguy @SimonBlairTrain Exactly! Sometimes it helps me think more deeply. Sometimes another person helps me get un-stuck. #GuildChat
2:26 PM JD_Dillon RT @LnDDave: A3) True reflection requires self awareness and the ability to critique oneself.  #GuildChat
2:26 PM SimonBlairTrain @opurt11 And add some after sessions or at points when you just learned something. #Guildchat
2:26 PM heikan2003 Q4) In eLearning we can chunk it into more than one piece. #GuildChat
2:27 PM RaftLearning A4) Like what I do for my regular Twitter chats. These are too valuable to miss. I won’t schedule over them w/out good reasons. #GuildChat
2:27 PM hkbent Create learning breathing spaces #GuildChat
2:27 PM LorettaDonovan A4. Honor time and space for reflection  #GuildChat
2:27 PM caitsteinbach A4) Make it a habit. Continuous reflection as we continuously learn to keep the cycle moving #GuildChat https://t.co/bF7xajAfFa
2:27 PM willconstantine Q4) Making that a part of the learning process. Then you can move to application #GuildChat
2:27 PM RaftLearning @LorettaDonovan And help others honor their time and space for the same purposes, too! #GuildChat
2:28 PM PreetiJasnani @eLearningGuild Time and trigger are crucial for ensuring reflection I think. #GuildChat
2:28 PM LorettaDonovan RT @caitsteinbach: A4) Make it a habit. Continuous reflection as we continuously learn to keep the cycle moving #GuildChat https://t.co/bF7…
2:28 PM JD_Dillon A4) Sometimes providing dedicated physical space can reinforce value and opportunity #Guildchat  https://t.co/ea7yuOm3h1
2:28 PM LorettaDonovan RT @JD_Dillon: A4) Build time into schedules. Make it part of formal training. Foster open dialogue away from the work. #Guildchat  https:/…
2:28 PM willconstantine Q4) Always allow time for reflection alone and others, especially for failure because that is the key to learning #GuildChat
2:28 PM JD_Dillon A4) Ask questions … #GuildChat
2:28 PM RaftLearning @JD_Dillon Darn cubicles don’t help with this. I try to reserve tiny conf call room for these things. It does help! #GuildChat
2:29 PM RaftLearning @JD_Dillon Have others ask questions, too. #GuildChat
2:29 PM caitsteinbach RT @hkbent: Create learning breathing spaces #GuildChat
2:30 PM LorettaDonovan A4. Keep a notebook just for reflection.  #GuildChat
2:30 PM JD_Dillon A4) Discuss it w/ stakeholders as a valuable part of personal growth and learning #GuildChat
2:31 PM chris_benz @opurt11 Agreed. If I don’t schedule it, it doesn’t happen. #GuildChat
2:31 PM RaftLearning @LorettaDonovan I do this, too! I have tabs for various events with my notes. I refer back frequently. #GuildChat
2:31 PM SimonBlairTrain @RaftLearning @JD_Dillon Although cubicles beat closed offices any day of the week. You can prairie dog over a cubicle. #Guildchat
2:31 PM JD_Dillon Gotta run! Thanks for the reflection, #GuildChat crew! Blog = http://t.co/8xKUK5eqMk. I’ll wave if I pass you in VA, DE, NY, PA next week!
2:32 PM LearnovateSA RT @eLearningGuild: Please take a moment to introduce yourself and share your work and interests. The first question will be posed in just …
2:33 PM RaftLearning @SimonBlairTrain @JD_Dillon We get “talked to” if we prairie dog too much. But we do it anyway! LOL #GuildChat
2:33 PM caitsteinbach A4) Providing context for others can provoke reflection on their part #GuildChat https://t.co/bF7xajAfFa
2:33 PM heikan2003 RT @LorettaDonovan: A4. Keep a notebook just for reflection.  #GuildChat Maybe give them out to encourage the behavior.
2:33 PM eLearningGuild Q5) What are the risks if we do not reflect upon our learning? #GuildChat
2:33 PM heikan2003 RT @eLearningGuild: Q5) What are the risks if we do not reflect upon our learning? #GuildChat
2:33 PM heikan2003 A5) Is it really learning if we do not reflect? #GuildChat
2:34 PM RaftLearning A6) We lose 50% w/in 24 hrs. Reflection has to happen soon and often in order for brain to believe it’s important long-term. #GuildChat
2:34 PM SimonBlairTrain @RaftLearning @JD_Dillon Really?! Is collaboration frowned upon there? #Guildchat
2:34 PM RaftLearning @heikan2003 “Training” vs. “Learning?” #GuildChat
2:35 PM RaftLearning @SimonBlairTrain @JD_Dillon No, they just want us to go down the hall to a room and have a formal meeting. Really kinda dumb. #GuildChat
2:35 PM hkbent a5) growth limited individually and organizationally #GuildChat
2:35 PM SimonBlairTrain @RaftLearning @JD_Dillon So you have to schedule your ideas and inspiration? #Guildchat
2:35 PM flipchartguy A5) I think the risk goes beyond forgetting – the risk is that we’ve wasted time & money “learning” something we may never use #guildchat
2:35 PM RaftLearning @SimonBlairTrain @JD_Dillon And we are a bit compartmentalized. We fight that as a team, though. We are tight and share a lot. #GuildChat
2:36 PM heikan2003 @RaftLearning Possibly but I think we do not do training well when we do not build in reflection for the learner. #GuildChat
2:36 PM RaftLearning @flipchartguy And none of us has much time or money to waste. #GuildChat
2:37 PM RaftLearning @heikan2003 Can reflection include application of skills/info learned, then? I guess I see training/learning as not quite same. #GuildChat
2:37 PM heikan2003 @RaftLearning I would visit you and suggest we reflect at Water Street Brewery #GuildChat
2:38 PM RaftLearning @heikan2003 I’M IN! They have a great house cider on draft. Where are you, Heidi? #GuildChat
2:38 PM LorettaDonovan “@heikan2003: A5) Is it really learning if we do not reflect? #GuildChat” it’s learning if we assimilate- shift 2 tacit can be imperceptible
2:38 PM heikan2003 @RaftLearning I see them differently too–I may just be thinking in terms my own learning via trng or other input. #guildchat
2:39 PM PreetiJasnani A5: if we don’t reflect, then how will we connect the dots between learning and application? #GuildChat
2:39 PM heikan2003 @RaftLearning Kansas City but lived in S. Milwaukee & North Prairie for 10 yrs. miss it. #guildchat We could reflect together. :)
2:39 PM britz RT @eLearningGuild: Q5) What are the risks if we do not reflect upon our learning? #GuildChat /we risk not retaining or truly understanding
2:40 PM eLearningGuild Q6) How has reflection helped or altered your thinking? #GuildChat
2:40 PM flipchartguy Have to power down so the airplane can safely take off. Have a great weekend everyone! #guildchat
2:40 PM heikan2003 @PreetiJasnani I am all about connecting. Good point. #guildchat
2:41 PM RaftLearning Q6) I dig deeper into the info. My knowledge is broader. Less superficiality. #GuildChat
2:41 PM heikan2003 RT @eLearningGuild: Q6) How has reflection helped or altered your thinking? #GuildChat
2:41 PM heikan2003 A6) Both! #guildchat
2:41 PM RaftLearning @heikan2003 Well, if you make your way up here, get in touch! I’d love to meet up. #GuildChat
2:43 PM SimonBlairTrain @RaftLearning @flipchartguy Too much time or money… that’s a problem I’d like to have. :-) #Guildchat
2:44 PM caitsteinbach A6) Where to begin?! My own meaningful growth in any area does not happen without reflection. #GuildChat
2:44 PM PreetiJasnani A6: reflection may not always “alter” thinking but it definitely fine tunes … Brings in more clarity In thoughts #GuildChat
2:44 PM RaftLearning @SimonBlairTrain @flipchartguy Oh the things I could do with financial independence…#GuildChat
2:45 PM hkbent a6) Reflection can provide new direction and serve as a motivator #GuildChat
2:45 PM RaftLearning @PreetiJasnani You can weed out what you need/can use and what you can disregard. #GuildChat
2:47 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Q6) How has reflection helped or altered your thinking? #GuildChat
2:48 PM eLearningGuild Q7) How soon after you have learned something new do you reflect upon it? What’s the value in delaying? #GuildChat
2:49 PM willconstantine Q6) Getting rid of a mindset and strengthening neuroplasticity to be able to be reflexive #GuildChat
2:49 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Q7) How soon after you have learned something new do you reflect upon it? What’s the value in delaying? #GuildChat
2:49 PM RaftLearning Q7) Look things over on same day, when possible, but mostly just skim. Then after event is over, then periodically after that. #GuildChat
2:50 PM willconstantine Q7) Some reflection right after to digest it, but then more reflection after a delay for better recall and new perspectives #GuildChat
2:50 PM britz RT @eLearningGuild: Q7) How soon after you have learned something new do you reflect upon it? What’s the value in delaying? #GuildChat
2:51 PM SimonBlairTrain @willconstantine So you can reflect on your reflection. :-) #Guildchat
2:51 PM hkbent a7) immediately so context is not lost/not at all if reflection timeline is delayed #GuildChat
2:52 PM caitsteinbach A7) For me, it’s not that linear. It’s  a cyclical process. So I guess… immediately. Then continuosly.
#GuildChat https://t.co/ucYwLxW8p7
2:52 PM SimonBlairTrain A7: Often, I find my subconscious is ticking away at something and I’ll have unexpected “A ha!” moments days later. #Guildchat
2:53 PM RaftLearning A7) If I’m at a mtg I will hit info overload, so I need distance to be able to think. #GuildChat
2:54 PM caitsteinbach @hkbent welcome! first timer with #guildchat hope you liked it!
2:54 PM heikan2003 A7) right away or I will not retain things #guildchat
2:54 PM willconstantine @SimonBlairTrain I meant like reflect differently because you may see it a different way after acquiring the knowledge #GuildChat
2:55 PM eLearningGuild Time is drawing short. Any final thoughts you’d like to share about today’s topic? #GuildChat
2:55 PM SimonBlairTrain @willconstantine Good point. Time can lend a new perspective. #Guildchat
2:55 PM willconstantine @RaftLearning I might even just scramble down notes to think about later instead of being present if its like that much info #GuildChat
2:56 PM eLearningGuild Stay on top of the changing learning technology landscape by joining us at #DevLearn this fall. http://t.co/TbZCWiPKgc #GuildChat
2:56 PM willconstantine Fast hour… #GuildChat
2:56 PM RaftLearning Awrap) Reflection is important. Personal space and time, opportunities for sharing, perspective all play a role. #guildChat
2:57 PM DonaldClark #GuildChat A7 been experimenting with optimal sleep, note taking & spaced practice
2:57 PM RaftLearning @willconstantine SUPER-fast! Wow! #GuildChat
2:57 PM willconstantine @eLearningGuild oh please don’t mention the fall, summer just started! #GuildChat
2:57 PM LearnovateSA RT @eLearningGuild: Q1) How do you reflect upon your learning? #GuildChat
2:57 PM RaftLearning @willconstantine @eLearningGuild It hasn’t even started here in WI–chilly and rainy mostly. #GuildChat
2:57 PM heikan2003 #GuildChat thanks everyone and have a great, reflective weekend
2:58 PM eLearningGuild Join us next week for #GuildChat as we discuss how Blogs Can Be Used for Learning #elguild
2:58 PM RaftLearning @eLearningGuild GREAT topic! Can’t wait! #GuildChat
2:58 PM SimonBlairTrain @RaftLearning @willconstantine @eLearningGuild I’m not ready for fall yet. I only just planted my pumpkins! :-) #Guildchat
2:58 PM willconstantine RT @eLearningGuild: Join us next week for #GuildChat as we discuss how Blogs Can Be Used for Learning #elguild
3:01 PM chris_benz Have a great weekend, everyone, and safe travels for those of you returning from #mLearnCon and #PSSymp. #guildchat
3:01 PM eLearningGuild Thanks for joining #GuildChat everyone. We’ll see you next week. Look for a transcript of today’s chat soon!

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