David Kelly’s Curated Content for the Week of 05/01/17

kelly_david I read through a number of articles and blog posts each day, and every Monday I curate a few of my favorites for members of the eLearning Guild Community, and for the learning and performance field as a whole. Each shared resource includes a brief introduction explaining why I find the link to be of value and recommend you read it.

Here’s the content for this week:

Camerawork Influences via Nameless TV
Video continues to be a major platform for content, and more and more L&D professionals are exploring how to add high quality video to their learning programs. While technology has put the ability to create hig-definition videos right in our pockets, high-quality videos aren’t driven by the tech; they’re driving by how we use the tech. This short video explores a few simple ways you can position your camerawork to help reinforce the narrative you are creating.

Learning Styles Aren’t Evidence-supported by Bravetta Hassell
The myths surrounding the use of learning styles in education continues to grow. Regardless of what you may believe around learning styles, this post concisely explores three reasons why trainers and educators should choose not to tailor instruction to individuals’ learning styles.

LARP School via AJ+
What could education like if all learning took the form of a game? That’s what this video from a LARP (Live Action Role Playing) School explores. While the idea may seem silly to some, when you hear students using phrases like “teaching students through experiences rather than just reading up on it” or “I didn’t realize I was doing math, but I was”, you start to see the true power that exists in using games in a learning context.

The Power of Overlearning by Victoria Sayo Turner
If you want to get better at something or develop a skill, you practice. But how you practice can also be a huge factor. This article explores the concept of overlearning – continuing to practice even though you are not improving any further – and how that form of practice may drive learning even deeper.

5 Must Have Apps for YouTube Creators by Kate Clodfelter
A growing number of L&D professionals are creating video content on their own, and many struggle with the various pore and post production needs to creating a quality video. This post explores 5 extremely useful and cheap (FREE or under $20) apps that can be used to take your video content to new heights.

5 Important Visual Lessons From Designers for Content Marketers by Robert Katai
The title of this article may be focused on marketing, but the lessons this post contain can be applied to learning as well. The way our visuals are put together can have a positive or negative effect on our learning programs. This post has some great advice for making sure your visuals are hitting the mark.

Interested in taking a deep dive into the opportunities mobile, games, and video present for Learning and Development? Join us for FocusOn 2017 this June in San Diego!

Interested in taking a deep dive into the opportunities mobile, games, and video present for Learning and Development? Join us for FocusOn 2017 this June in San Diego!

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