#GuildChat for 01/27/17: Sharing Effectively

Our next #GuildChat takes place Friday, January 27th at 11AM PT/2PM ET. This week’s topic is Sharing Effectively

With a nod once again to the Learning Solutions Conference & Expo happening in March we look to further explore the idea of sharing in L&D


Consider this a part II but don’t be discouraged if you didn’t attend last week. This chat stands on it’s own.

One thread that appeared throughout last week’s GuildChat was the question of how we can best share. It seems such an easy process to share tips, your work or even your opinion with others either face-to-face or virtually and yet we can relate to those seeing ideas misunderstood, posts unread or tips not being implemented. Sharing is simple but can it be made more effective? Are there tried and true methods to sharing in a way that makes more of an impact?

This week we share our sharing approaches, tools, techniques and experience. Join in if you have an approach that has worked or if you are looking for new ideas on how to get more action out of your offerings!


Prospective question:

Q1. Have you ever openly shared your work? How was it received?
Q2. How is sharing work virtually/online different than face-to-face approaches?
Q3. What ways have you found helpful for sharing your work online?
Q4. Where do you think the balance is between actively sharing openly and self-promotion?
Q5. You can’t share every detail of every project. How do you decide what to share?
Q6. What are ways to share your work with people outside your team?
Q7. What context do you put around content you share online?
Q8. How do you help support a culture of sharing where you work?


Missed the chat? Don’t worry – you can still read through what happened on Storify!



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