David Kelly’s Curated L&D Content for the Week of 1/7/19

This week’s curated content includes links exploring the following:

  • A great video explaining the growing need for curation in L&D
  • A great example of technology being used to change people’s lives through learning
  • Why understanding you may be wrong is critical for learning
  • Great examples of color palettes at work
  • A new term emerging in the AR/VR landscape
  • A wonderful example of images being used to explain complex concepts.

Content curation for learning – in less than 3 minutes by Clive Shepherd
I’ve been an advocate of adding curation to the L&D skill set for a number of years. This short video does a wonderful job of explaining why curation is needed in today’s workplace, how it works, and why it’s important for L&D. As the video says “In an age in which it can be more important to know where to look and who to ask than to have knowledge itself, you’re looking at an exciting new role for the learning professional.”

25-year-old Kenyan invents smart gloves that convert sign language movements into audio speech by George Tubei
The true power of technology and learning is when they intersect and change people’s lives. This is a great example of that for me, as it highlights how technology is used to solve a problem that affects millions of people in truly transformative ways.

Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong by Brian Resnick
We hear the term “unlearning” a lot in our field. It refers to the need to forget something we know, or to break a habit, so it can be overwritten with updated knowledge and skills. Often left out of the unlearning equation is the need for an awareness that change is needed, which is something we are often blind to, or in some cases, may actively resist. This post looks at the importance of knowing you may be wrong, and how to build an intellectually humble mindset.

Visually Satisfying Project Shares the Color Palettes of Iconic Film Scenes by Leah Pellegrini
One of the struggles I have with design is choosing colors. I don’t just “see” complementary colors; I need to use tools to help select color matches. Having examples of palettes and seeing them in use can be a big help. That’s what I love about this post – it looks at a series of popular movies, showing a picture from the film, and shares the color palette being applied in the scene. It’s both a beautiful and useful post.

Get Ready to Hear a Lot More About ‘XR’ by Lauren Goode
We hear a lot about VR and AR, but a new term is emerging in those conversations… “XR”. XR isn’t a new technology itself; it’s a term emerging to describe the growing variety of devices that exist in the AR, VR, and Mixed Reality landscape. As these technologies further advance in training and education, understanding the language of the tech will be increasingly important. “XR” is emerging as a big part of that vernacular.

How marginal tax rates actually work, explained with a cartoon by Alvin Chang
While understanding hour income taxes work is important for U.S. citizens, that’s not the reason I share this post here. Taxes can be extremely complicated and having someone explain to you how taxes work can be confusing. I love it when people find simple ways to explain complex topics, and I find images and analogies to be really useful towards this end. That’s the primary reason I share this post – it’s a great example of how images can be used to simplify training and education approaches.

2019 Predictions for eLearning from 26 Industry Experts

January is a time when many people begin wondering what the new year will bring. We’ve invited 26 industry experts to share their thoughts on the new year – not just their predictions but their thoughts on what we need to be focusing on as an industry, and as practitioners, in 2019.

We’ve compiled all of these thoughts in our latest eBook, 2019 Predictions for eLearning. This eBook is FREE for all and available for download on the eLearning Guild website.

We at the Guild wish everyone all the best in 2019. Happy learning everyone!

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