David Kelly’s Curated L&D Content for the Week of 07/17/17

This week’s curated content includes links exploring the following:

  • Examining a study on learning how to learn
  • A new app from Google that makes it easy to create 3D objects for VR
  • Why we should avoid millenial stereotypes
  • A look at how one of the most successful educational games of all time was made
  • 10 elearning options that are not a course
  • A look at what coexistence with artificial intelligence may look like.

Here’s the content for this week:

Daring to Learn How to Learn by Sandra Milligan
Our work generally focuses on helping people learn new knowledge and skills. However, lost in that equation is that learning is, in itself, a skill. This article explores a study of over 100,000 MOOC participants that analyzed every interaction people had. The analysis of the survey resulted in five unique levels of being a learner, and examines how knowing each of these levels might be able to shape the experience for learners.

Google Announces ‘Blocks’, a VR App Like ‘Tilt Brush’ for Modeling 3D Objects by Scott Hayden
Virtual Reality has tremendous applications for learning, but one question hinders it’s potential for a number of L&D professionals:
How do we create content for it? This new free application from Google is definitely something to explore for people playing in that space, as it’s a user-friendly tool for creating 3D models.

The Timelessness of Millennial-Bashing by Eric Weiskott
This article tackles the rash of articles that blame millenials for some of societies problems of today, but that’s not why I share it here. There’s a lot of articles in the L&D space talking about the need to adapt training methods for the millennial generation. Perhaps we’re better off to realize that the energy millenials are bringing to the workforce is really not that different than the energy previous younger generations have brought, and to stop looking to label each new generation via stereotypes.

How I Managed to Design the Most Successful Educational Computer Game of All Time by R. Philip Bouchard
I love it when creators of interesting projects openly share their work for others to learn from. I’m also a fan of game-based learning, and it’s hard to talk about the history of game-based learning without mentioning what is arguably the most successful educational computer game in history: The Oregon Trail. This post exists at the intersection of those two passions, as the post explores the history of the game and the critical decisions that impacted it’s success.

10 Things You Could Create Instead of an E-Learning Course by Trina Rimmer
The course is a staple of the elearning world. In many organizations, a course is the cultural expectation for any training intervention. Don’t get me wrong – I actually love the elearning course and the value it can provide. I don’t hate the course; I hate the course as the default. The are plenty of other elearning options besides just creating a course, an d we should give all of them equal weight to be used whereever appropriate. This post explores a few simple ideas to consider other than a course for your next project.

A Blueprint for Coexistence with Artificial Intelligence by Kai-Fu Lee
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is no longer just fodder for the next science fiction film; it’s increasingly becoming part of our everyday lives and shaping the experiences we have every day. Before we can truly consider the opportunities and risks of AI’s use for learning and performance, we first must learn how to navigate coexisting with AI in our everyday lives. One common them in this space is the questions around AI eliminating human jobs. This post explores those questions, and examines ways that humans and AI-enabled machines can coexist with one another.

Interested in exploring if AR & VR are right for your organization? Join us for Realities360, the hands-on learning experience exploring AR, VR, and other enhanced realities for learning.

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