#GuildChat for 04/7/17: Visual Note Taking

Our next #GuildChat takes place Friday, April 7th at 11AM PT/2PM ET. This week’s topic is Visual Note Taking.

Crafting notes in a visual format can be a very useful exercise for both personal recall and to help others better understand the event they were gathered from; be it a meeting, a conference, a phone call, etc.


Some widely used approaches are sketchnotes and mindmaps. In addition to having the fundamentals down to create them, how can they be created in a manner that adds additional value? Can all event content be displayed visually or does some lend itself better than others to these approaches? Finally, can a mindmap or sketchnote be as good as “being there”?  Just a few questions to ponder before we gather.

So, plan to join us this Friday as we take a closer look at the art and *science* of more visual forms of note taking to improve comprehension of event content.


Prospective question:

Q1. What about visuals can make capturing and communicating information easier?

Q2. When have you found visual note taking approaches like sketchnotes or mind mapping helpful?

Q3. What do you feel are the weaknesses of using visual note taking?

Q4. Do you find value in visual notes taken at events or meetings you weren’t at? Why or why not?

Q5. What are the key skills needed to create an effective sketchnote for learning purposes?

Q6. What ways might you sketchnote or mindmap something differently if you’re making it for yourself vs. use by others?

Q7. What ways could sketchnotes or mind maps fit in to the content we create in L&D?

Q8. Are there situations or subjects where visual note taking might not be the best way to capture/communicate info? Which?

Q9. If a someone asked for help on developing visual note taking skills, what resources or examples would you point them to?



Missed the chat? Don’t worry – you can still read through what happened on Storify!




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