David Kelly’s Curated Content for the Week of 11/14/16

kelly_david I read through a number of articles and blog posts each day, and every Monday I curate a few of my favorites for members of the eLearning Guild Community, and for the learning and performance field as a whole. Each shared resource includes a brief introduction explaining why I find the link to be of value and recommend you read it.

Here’s the content for this week:

Updating The eLearning User Interface by Connie Malamed
If there’s one word that I think holds elearning practitioners back from being all they can be it’s the word DEFAULT. Doing what we do because “it’s what we do by default” leads to the typical elearning template that we’ve all seen too many times. To take your skills to the next level, you need to look past the default of what is so that we can examine the potential of what could be. That’s the spirit of this post – examining what an elearning interface could be is we let go of the default interface we are so comfortable with.

Are You Meeting All Five Moments of Learning Need? by Conrad Gottfredson & Bob Mosher
Last week someone reached out to me asking about performance support. He was new to the concept and was looking for a resource to help him under stand not only the what, but also the why of the concept. Whenever I am approached with questions like these, this article is always at the top of the list of resources I provide. It makes the case for performance support perfectly, and does a great job of identifying where it fits into the L&D paradigm..

11 Inspirational Quotes To Achieve eLearning Success by Christopher Pappas
I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for a good quote. I’m also interested in finding lessons for learning in content that is unrelated to learning. This post exists at the intersection of those two interests, so it was a natural fit for this week’s curated links.

7 Tips for a Highly Effective Elevator Pitch by Orly Zeewy
Sales is an often overlooked part of corporate training. Even if you’re not selling to external customers, you’re probably selling to internal ones. When you have an idea for a solution, a general rule of thumb is that the higher up the org chart you’re selling to, the tighter your pitch needs to be. This post covers a number of really valuable tips that can help you shorten your next pitch while at the same time making it much more effective.

Is your Corporate PowerPoint Template under 30 slides? It probably sucks. by Tom Howell
Let’s get the obvious out of the way – saying your template sucks based solely on it’s length is completely without context. Looking past that, this post does do an excellent job of articulating the value of a deep and details template. While the post speaks specifically about PowerPoint, the principles it describes can be easily applied to any elearning authoring tool that uses templates.

The 2016 #DevLearn Conference & Expo Backchannel
The last link for this week stretches my definition of curation a bit. For one thing, the post comes from my own blog, and you don’t curate your own works. It’s also not an original work, as the post curates resources shared elsewhere.
However, I decided to share it here for two reasons. First, if you’re reading this post you’re interested in curated resources related to learning and technology. The DevLearn backchannel creates more resources in this space than any other backchannel I’ve followed. Second, it’s also an example of how curation can be used to expand upon the value of a conference.

What are you reading?

If you recently read an article, blog post, or other resource from someone else that you think we should consider sharing in a future Curated Industry Content post, please feel free to send a link to the resource to David Kelly along with a few sentences describing why you think the resource is valuable.

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